Rachel Abdelnour, Advertising Industry Worker: I think it's actually really important that we have laws like this. We spend so much of our time connected to our phones, 10connected to our emails all day and I think that it's really hard to 11switch off as it is.
CNN Correspondent: Around the world, 12ill-defined job 13expectations and 14constant connectivity has allowed our jobs to 15encroach on our private worlds. The 16gray areas remain. There may be times the boss still requires an answer, but workers can now defend their right to disconnect in court if they want to.
David Brennan, Rinance Worker: We are professionals, we're well paid, we're expected to deliver and we feel we have to deliver 24 hours a day if we have to. So the phone's always on, the computer's always on and we're working.
CNN Correspondent: Australians likely won't forget work 17entirely after they leave the office, but more people may feel like they don't have to be always on, meaning more time to enjoy what is already a fortunate place to be.