CNN Correspondent: Many of us might try to live more 3sustainably to help the 4environment. But some take a more 5drastic approach, aiming to become 6self-sufficient, like these people living 7off the grid in the Welsh countryside.
Will Cooke: Brithdir Mawr is an 8intentional community which has currently got 23 people living 9on site of ages ranging between two and mid 60s, started in 1994. I'll take you on a little look around this way.
CNN Correspondent: Intentional communities, 10eco-villages, 11housing cooperatives. There are many different types of these communities around the world and they can be 12traced back to the U.S. and U.K. in the 1940s, 13inspired by the back to the land movement and 14popularized by hippies in the 60s and 70s. Two key elements that define Brithdir Mawr¡¯s way of living are being off the grid and the community structure.
Will Cooke: When we talk about the grid we mean the mains electricity grid, water, 15sewage and 16waste disposal. We're not part of any of those networks. But that doesn't mean we're completely 17cut off from society. We're about 80 to 90% self-sufficient on food. Our water comes from 18spring on the mountain. Heating and cooking is done with wood 19harvested from the land. Electricity comes from 20solar panels, 21hydroelectric and a wind turbine.