"Sorry we don't have the Quarter Pounder at the moment."
The CDC is 1conducting what they're calling a 'fast moving' investigation into an 2E. coli 3outbreak they say is linked to the popular McDonald's Quarter Pounder, and dozens of illnesses reported in at least 10 states, including one death of an older person. Nearly a dozen people have been 4hospitalized, including a child who developed a serious 5complication that can develop from an E. coli infection.
A map on the CDC website shows most of the illnesses are in Colorado and Nebraska.
"We reach out to members of the public that have these 6positive test results and ask them 7a series of food survey type questions to try and understand foods that they ate 8leading up to the 9onset of their illness."
Information reviewed by the US Food and Drug Administration shows that 10slivered onions are a likely source of 11contamination.
In a video released on YouTube, McDonald's USA president Joe Erlinger says McDonald's has stopped using the onions as well as Quarter Pound beef patties in several states while the investigation continues.
In an interview with the Today Show, Erlinger 12assured customers that other items on the menu are safe to eat.
"What we've done at McDonald's is taken this 13swift and 14decisive action to address the issue that we have so that the public can be confident in McDonald's."