You have always been there Ever since I can remember From having someone to play dolls with To telling you my troubles Growing up together you have influenced me In such a way you are like a second sister Every time I see you I always see the familiar
The short hair and dark colors of your clothes I can confide in you for whatever To offer me advice Or to tell you my secrets You have always been there From the good times full of laughter
And smiles To the tougher times with tears You have shown me to be stronger Have set an example to follow You have a sarcastic personality like
Eeyore from Winnie the Pooh And we share a humor That is demonstrated when We watch our favorite show, Brooklyn 99 Our laughter booming throughout the house It sounds like howling As time has passed we have grown closer
While others have distanced themselves I can only expect for you to continue to Offer me advice as we keep growing Never faltering and maintaining to be Someone I look up to You have always been there for me