Society of Human Kind is a world-wide organisation based on local groups and
communities. As such it has many parallels with the political structure of our
world. Although the Discourse of the first founding book, 'Foundations', makes
it clear that the Society cannot replace, and therefore should not seek to
supplant, those political institutions, it does not go on to discuss the
relationship between the two. It is as well to take the opportunity to make
some comment on that question in these Essays. If neglected it may provide a
fertile source for conflict and misunderstanding.
The potential for conflict arises from an overlap
between the area of interest of the Society and that of politicians. Both
politicians and the Society have an abiding concern with the structure of our
social order, in how we maintain stable co-operative social relationships and
cope with the problems of balancing group and individual interests; long and
short term objectives; order and liberty, and the host of other conflicts which
the communal habits of our species generate.
However, the shared interest of the Society and
politicians can never result in their developing a common view of these
problems, because they approach that shared ground from totally different
directions. The emergence of the Aim, Duty and Responsibility of the Society
owes nothing to the political ambition to reform or restructure our social
relations. Those three statements are solely an attempt to set out a meaning
and purpose of our lives that does not depend on any belief in God, his
competitors, or any other form of predestination for humanity.
The differences between the Society and politicians can
be summarised. The Society is concerned with the outcome of our social
structures, and the processes and relationships derived from them, rather than
their form. Whereas for the politician form is likely to be of much more
importance, and may indeed be the prime concern. It may, for instance, be of
burning importance to a politician that our social system and structures should
conform to some political theory or principle (free enterprise, democracy,
socialism, etc.). To the Society however, all that matters is the effect of the
system; does it provide a safe and stable environment for our infinite
survival, and allow for our progress?
The reason for the interest of the Society and
politicians in our social life may be different, but the impulse to intervene
is common. Herein lays the source of potential conflict. Politicians may wish
to change a well-established and stable social system because they disagree
with the form of its structure. The Society however, would oppose that action
as an unnecessary disturbance of our social order whose benefits are hardly
ever likely to justify the risk. Indeed, almost as a general rule, the impulse
of the politician is to innovate and change, while the Society will tend toward
restraint and conservation.
Many possible conflicts of this type may therefore be
imagined. Yet they must all be resolved since the Society cannot allow itself
to become a source of friction or division within our species. Which gives a
clue to the inevitable answer and draws attention to the importance of the
Principle of Progress, and particularly the Principle 3.2 in this regard.
Applying that Principle to this problem the Society will conclude that,
whenever the Society or any part of its membership finds its debate with the
political structures of our societies in danger of degenerating into forceful
conflict, the well of uncertainty should be drawn upon. Then any risk to the
stability of our social order will be removed by the Society conceding the
battlefield to its opponents.
That should be the case even where concession results in damage to the
Condition of the Dogma that requires the Society to maintain continuous growth
in human knowledge, and not excluding harm which is so extensive that our knowledge
stagnates or is actually diminished. However bleak the immediate prospect for
the growth of our knowledge may be, the Society can legitimately contain itself
in patience in the hope of better times to come, a position more fully argued
and documented in the Essay on Life. These are circumstances however, in which
it would be proper for the Society to exert its full power and influence, short
of precipitating an internecine confrontation, in an effort to maintain that
Condition of the Dogma.
The Society will take a different view however, of any
political action which threatens the survival of our species. Then the Society
must not withdraw its opposition even at the risk of a forceful reaction by its
opponents. It is difficult to imagine circumstances that might give rise to
this possibility, but it is at least conceivable that a political, or perhaps
some other, movement may arise that is dedicated to the destruction of
humanity, or any extinction level proportion of it, or which adopts a course of
action that must necessarily have that effect. If such a suicidal movement
emerges then the Society will have no choice other than to embark on whatever course
of action is necessary to frustrate it in its purpose. Consistent that is, with
the ultimate survival of our species, which must always remain the overriding
objective of any action taken by the Society.