"There are growing signs that 1AI is already 2disrupting the global 3workforce, and experts say it's just the beginning."
"There are people who will learn to use AI and they will take your job because they will become 4significantly more 5productive than you will be if you're not able to partner with an AI model."
Goldman Sachs 6economist 7predicting 300 million full-time jobs could 8be affected by the latest wave of AI, which has created platforms like ChatGPT. And a new 9analysis estimates nearly 80% of women could be 10disproportionately affected by the 11adoption of AI. That's compared to 58% of working men, according to research from the University of North Carolina.
"The world has changed. These are new tools. You can't fear them. You just have to learn to use them."
All that is already 12impacting nearly every 13industry from art and music, where AI-14generated songs are more 15affordable since there's no producer, composer, or artist to pay.
"It's taken away opportunity from songwriters, producers and artists. So the people are trying to feed them their families."
The 16manufacturing 17sector also seen an impact. And then there's fast food, where AI is ready to take your order.
"Classic or bacon barbecue 'Mother Cruncher'?"
Places like this Checkers Restaurant in Iowa are already using AI for their drive-thru window.